Race and Ethnicity, Aging and Health, Spatial Analysis, Community and Environment, Demography
Introduction to Social Welfare
Field Experience
Sex and Gender
Race and Ethnicity
Sociological Theory
Introduction to Sociology
Professional Service:
Session Organizer, Population Association of America (2023)
Editorial Board of Society and Natural Resource Management (2023)
Editorial Board of Rangeland Ecology and Management (2023)
Awards and Endowment Committee, Rural Sociological Society (2023-2026)
Session Organizer, American Sociological Association (2021)
Session Presider, Midwest Sociological Society (2020)
Student Representative, Midwest Sociology Society (2017-2018)
Chunyu Guo, Erjia Ge, Manzhu Yu, Changwei Li, Xiangqian Lao, Shuang Li, Jason Glaser, Yongqun He, Marina Almeida-Silva, Sisi Meng, Shao Lin, Wei-Chung Su and Kai Zhang. 2023. “Impact of Heat on Emergency Hospital Admissions Related to Kidney Diseases in Texas: Uncovering Racial Disparities.” Science of the Total Environment.
Nan Wang, Xinyi Yan, Kellie Imm, Tianlin Xu, Shuang Li, Brendan Heiden, Ruixuan Wang, Lee Smith, Lin Yang, and Chao Cao. 2023. “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Prevalence and Correlates of Depression and Suicidal Ideation Among US Adults, 2017-2020 Pre-Pandemic.” Journal of Affective Disorders.
Shuang Li, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Lora Perkins, A. Joshua Leffler. Edem Avemegah. 2023. “Dewormers, Dung Beetles, and Decision-Making: Understanding South Dakota Rangeland Livestock Producers’ Parasiticide Use.” Rangeland Ecology and Management.
Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Shuang Li, Wei Gu, Edem Avemegah, J. Arbuckle, Kathy Brasier, Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Tonya Haigh, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Linda Prokopy, Matthew Sanderson, Kurt Stephenson, and Adam Wilke. 2022. “Sampling Agricultural Producers for Survey Research: An Outline and Assessment of Commonly Used Sources.” Society and Natural Resources.
Shuang Li and Weiwei Zhang. 2021 “Living in Ethnic Areas or Not? Residential Preference of Decimal Generation Immigrants among Asian Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, and Vietnamese.” Social Sciences 10(6): 222.
Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Shuang Li, Lora Perkins, A. Joshua Leffler, Wei Gu, and Lealand Schoon. 2021. “What and Why: South Dakota Rangeland Livestock Producers’ Usage of Parasiticides.” Rangeland Ecology and Management. 79:190-200.
Avemegah, Edem, Wei Gu, Abdelrahim Abulbasher, Kristen Koci, Ayorinde Ogunyiola, Joyce Eduful, Shuang Li, et al. 2020 “An Examination of Best Practices for Survey Research with Agricultural Producers.” Society and Natural Resources: 1-12.